Getting Started: integrate engagement into your entire organization

First things first: what is community engagement journalism?

It’s when journalists cultivate relationships with communities to discover, understand and elevate community needs and aspirations. Community engagement is a process that grows stronger with practice. At the core of the process is listening to the communities you want to reach, reporting on what you hear, sharing with the communities what you published and listening to their feedback.

Cooking up community engagement that is meaningful for everyone: a foundational webinar

There are some key ingredients that make engagement work – Capradio’s jesikah maria ross has been doing this for a decade. She’ll walk you through a few different projects to share what works, and what doesn’t. Download the handout.

How to…

Engage through social media

Social media is free, so take advantage as much as you can.

Check your bias

We all have biases (yes, even journalists), and that’s OK!

Fundraising or hiring? You don’t have to start from scratch

  • Sample Funder Letter

  • Sample Board Letter

  • Sample Donor Letter

  • Sample Job Description
