
You’ve read and researched, hopefully, how someone in the job you hold can support community engaged journalism and how producers and reporters can actually begin engaging with audiences and the broader community.This section of the playbook give you practical tools to do all of this: Source diversity tracking tools and advice; an overview of specific digital and in-person strategies such as texting, convenings, digital engagement; worksheets, planners and survey templates; a guide to reaching Spanish-speaking communities and finally the Ultimate Community Engagement Reading List, with enough content to keep you reading and learning through the next year or two. The reading list is annotated and divided by subject matter, so look for what you need and dive deep into what practitioners and experts have learned. Enjoy!

Two professionally dressed women converse in front of a computer screen. Explore our diversity source tracking resources to learn more about increasing diversity in journalism.

Tracking the diversity of your sources helps you be a news organization that reflects the community you serve.

A computer, notepad, cup of coffee, and mobile phone are displayed on a desk. Check out our tools for engagement.

This playbook references various tools you can use in your engagement process. Here’s a summary.

Someone highlights materials displayed on a stack of papers. Our worksheets, samples and planners provide resources for you to develop your own community engagement strategy

Download these worksheets, samples and planners to help guide your community engagement journalism.

A textbook and a notebook are open on a table before a shelf full of books. Check out our ultimate community engagement journalism reading list!

Our suggested readings on journalism, community engagement, journalistic integrity, and more.

A group of people stands around a computer screen, discussing. Our guide to reaching specific communities can help you develop a strategy for reaching non-English speaking communities with your journalism.

Learn more about how to reach non-English speaking communities in this guide.